Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Learn how to use most popular formula in excel called VLOOKUP

After reading this post i'm 100% sure that you can able to use Vlookup very easily.

Vlookup is Similar as Inner join in SQL(Structured Query Language)

Basic Syntax of Vlookup:


A: A is the Look up values based on that value you get your required data from Table (B).
B: B is the Table from where you will get data related to your Look up value. Before selecting your table range be assure that first column values should be common in both tables.
C: C is the column number that means which column number you want from your selected Table range. 
D:D is the 1/True OR 0/False. True indicate the Exact match while False indicate the Partial match.

Why we use Vlookup:

The reason behind why we use Vlookup formula is to get data by row from different table based on some common values. When I say common value it means that value is available in both the Tables.

When to use Vlookup:

{Note: Vlookup will always give the first match value from table which matches to your Lookup value}

Suppose you have 2 tables Table1 and Table2.

Table1 contains the Student roll number and Name whereas Table2 contains Students Roll number and Address.

How to use Vlookup with Example

As you can see that Roll number column is available in both the tables. It indicates that we can identify Student by their roll numbers.


Suppose you want to know the address of all Students (i.e. from roll number 1 to 10). See the below Table and formula in Address column (Column J):

How to use Vlookup with Example

Try to relate this result set table with Table2.

If you noticed that Roll number 1,4,6,7 and 9 are not available in Table2 and that's the reason #N/A values are there.

{Note: Always locked the table range by using "$" sign (or you can also use F4 key to lock rows and column). In excel language we called it Absolute cell references}

This post is all about the basic of Excel Vlookup. Thank you for reading this post.

If you have any query regarding Vlookup please do comment in below comment section.

Please don't forget to share this post.

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